Thursday, March 24, 2016

Medical Marijuana — The Herb That Heals

Marijuana has always been a topic of dispute between its users and government. With time passing by, it is becoming more challenging to refuse the beneficial medicinal value of this plant. This easy to swallow medicine is available in different forms like baked goods, butter, oils, and other natural forms. Just like any other natural herb, there’s nothing like ‘overdosing’ in the dictionary of medical marijuana, and there is no record in medical history of cannabis-induced death so far. It has been used effectively by human civilizations since ancient times for healing and pain management of debilitating diseases.
Nature has the power to heal holds true for this herb. Let’s have a look at various benefits of marijuana.
· Medical marijuana has proven effective in the treatment of migraine.
· It considerably slows down tumor growth in lungs, breasts, and brain. THC present in marijuana helps cancerous cells to feed upon themselves while leaving healthy cells intact. This treatment is completely non-toxic unlike chemotherapy.
· Medical marijuana can aid in the treatment of chronic diseases like irritable bowel disease and Crohn’s, as it is useful in treating nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which in turn improvises patient’s reception of treatment.
· THC found in medical marijuana effectively prevents the formation of deposits by blocking the protein clumps in brain that can inhibit memory and perception during Alzheimer’s disease.
· It reduces the intraocular pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients.
· Marijuana has ‘antispasmodic’ properties. It reduces symptoms of muscle tension or pain enabling patients to move normally.
· Medical marijuana shows neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory benefits in multiple sclerosis patients. It also reduces muscular spasms that come from MS.
· Medical marijuana usage accelerates body's metabolism and increases appetite, thereby, encouraging the patient to eat to supply energy to the body, fight infection, and help recovery process.
· Apart from increasing appetite in HIV patients, it is also effective in soothing the associated neuropathic pain thereby improving the quality of life.
· Many women use marijuana to treat menstrual cramps, and menopausal women have found great relief by using marijuana while struggling with hot flashes, mood swings, and chills.
Marijuana research has confirmed a notable therapeutic value, if administered in appropriate dosages, for curing many health problems like treating alcohol abuse, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bipolar disorder, colorectal cancer, depression, epilepsy, back pain, damage to spinal cord nervous tissue, diabetic peripheral vascular disease, AIDS Related Illness, arteriosclerotic heart disease, digestive diseases, gliomas, hepatitis C, Huntington's disease, leukemia, skin tumors, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), carpal tunnel syndrome, delirium tremens, anxiety disorders, chronic renal failure, cocaine Dependence, Parkinson's disease, pruritus, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), crohn's Disease, psoriasis, sickle-cell disease, angina pectoris, sleep apnea, anorexia nervosa, and Tourette syndrome. If the true potential of medical marijuana can be harnessed, it can dramatically change the face of modern treatment.
Big Buds Magazine is your one stop Marijuana Magazine for growing marijuana . Learn everything you ever wanted to know regarding growing medical marijuana its benefits and marijuana legalization.

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