Thursday, May 5, 2016

Federal Government Is Impelled to Support Medical Marijuana by the American Medical Association

The American Medical Association, which is the largest doctors' organization in the USA, has reconsidered its position towards medical marijuana and currently supports exploration and medical research on marijuana for medicinal use. On Tuesday, the group has persuaded the federal government to re-evaluate its controlled substance categorization of marijuana in Schedule I, which unfairly maligns the plant alongside with some of the most hazardous narcotic substances, such as LSD and heroin.

AMA officer of board, Dr. Edward Langston specifies that just a least number of controlled, casual tests have ever been maintained on ingested marijuana in spite of medical research in by medical marijuana doctors and other experts, which encompasses more than thirty years. As for now, the group encourages new researches on medical marijuana's effectiveness in spite of its support for the classification of marijuana in Schedule I, since 1997, because more and more medical marijuana doctors appear over time.

This year, Obama's administration has also ordered federal narcotics agents to stop prosecuting people who use and distribute medical marijuana (including medical marijuana doctors) in the states that have legalized it, which indicated an alteration of the course from past administrations' stringent opposition to the use of medical marijuana, even for people that have medical marijuana cards in the states that have legalized the plant for medical use. At the moment, fourteen states lawfully permit the use of medical marijuana and around twelve other states have started to think about doing so. The American Medical Association is interested in study, which takes in account alternative methods of using medical marijuana, apart from therapeutically smoking it. Lawyers for medical marijuana speak about other helpful modes of medical marijuana use, involving the THC-rich cannabis oil extraction, which is claimed to be able to heal cancer patients. Today, no one is persecuted for the use of cannabis if a legal medical marijuana card is present.

The reaction of the federal government to the AMA's stance has been pretty silent in spite of loosened federal prosecution of medical marijuana use and medical marijuana clinic workers. DEA - the Drug Enforcement Administration - repeated the status of marijuana as a Schedule I substance and the FDA - Food and Drug Administration - refused to give any commentaries on the situation. The American Medical Association was one of the sole groups to object the first federal limitation on cannabis, which were established back in 1937. It still persists to decline casual idea that medical marijuana is a myth, in spite of its past support of Schedule I narcotic classification. The organization even objected an offered amendment, which would have settled its managerial policies in resistance to ingested marijuana as a safe way of use for medical marijuana treatment. In fact almost any medical marijuana clinic provides edible products of medical marijuana for patients with medical marijuana cards.

Marijuana support groups are joyous about the new stance of the AMA and the extending change of attitude towards medical marijuana and everything related to it - medical marijuana doctors, medical marijuana clinics, etc. While federal administration still resists against the medical marijuana legalization, referring to the FDA consideration in objection to its secure use as medicine, popular belief persists to change in favor of further study and medical use of marijuana. Last year, the second largest doctor group, the American College of Physicians has uttered similar support for improved research and reassessment of medical marijuana. Also, the California Medical Association passed its own opinions that referred to marijuana criminalization as a "failed public health policy."

The moods are changing towards frank research of the medical marijuana benefits. The attraction for further proof-based study by acknowledged medicinal organizations is a step in the proper direction on the way to legalizing medical marijuana for legal and safe medicinal purposes.

For more Please visit hhtp://
About the author: Amelia Simpson is from USA. She is graduate in English from California. She has 4 years of good experience in content writing. she has written many articles and news on many Domains. Currently she is writing mainly for , Medical Marijuana Card,Medical Marijuana license and mmj card.
Official Source:

Monday, April 18, 2016

Cannabis Oil And Its Benefits

Have you heard the term cannabis? Of course, you must have heard cannabis as the source of drugs and weed. The cannabis plant is the hub for the production of drugs. Cannabis plant is first steamed and further distillation of the flowers and upper leaves gives us cannabis essential oil. Cannabis and hemp are the plants that are used as herbs in various parts of the world. But the term cannabis oil is very vital to all mankind. Cannabis essential oil is very volatile oil and little amounts of oil are used in various aspects of life. It has many uses like as aromatherapy oils or the treatment of cancer. But due to the rampant use of the cannabis plant as drugs, it is limited to certain regions like France and Europe. Import export of this product is illegal in the market. Ignoring the negative facet of the cannabis plant, let us discuss the health benefits it reaps across the mass:
  • Reduces the anxiety pangs
Living in the present world and not getting a smirk of tension is inevitable. We all work in a hostile environment and this leads to cat race among the workers. This is for certain a way to imbibe stress and anxiety in the mind. Cannabis oil is the one stop solution to all stress ways. This oil can be massaged or used as aromatherapy oils in the spas. This will alleviate the mind and induces the pleasure hormones to be active in the body.
  • Insomnia
Your boss might even give competition to Hitler and his principles. Or, you might be having troubles at college. Whatever the problem is, sleeplessness is the only result. You might become the night owl in no time. No sleep and lots of over thinking leads to evildoing. The body also needs some rest, which this stress won’t let you have. Try Cannabis oil in the next spa session. It will relieve your pressure points and give you a peaceful sleep. Do use cannabis oil and sleep like a baby.
  • Cure for cancer
Most important use of cannabis oil is in the treatment of cancer. Cannabis oil has been the key element in the cure for cancerous cells. Cannabinoid compound present in the cannabis plant reacts with the THC in the body to stop the malicious growth of cancer cells in the body. Due to the controlled growth of cells, the tumor size gradually reduces and leads to a cancer free life.
  • For the love of skin
Cannabis oil is known for its use as skin oil. It helps shed the old dead cells and growth of new cells on the skin. The new skin is glowing and more supple. Mostly used by older people, this oil is a relief for their degenerating skin cells.
Extractohol is pure cannabis oil, and is best for the highest quality aromatherapy oils that helps extract maximum amount of material in the least possible time.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Smarter People are More Likely to Smoke Pot

Do you seem smarter when you're high on marijuana cannabis? You're probably not imagining it. Pot, and other drug substances, is said to be the stimulator of the smarter minds among us. And there's evidence to prove it, scientific and case study.
According to "in the 1970 British Cohort Study, a group of human lab rats born in the same week in April 1970 and surveyed approximately once every five years about a broad host of topics. The results found that subjects that tested above average on IQ tests atage 5 were twice as likely to have done hard drugs within the past year, when asked at age 30." This shows that persons who start off with a high IQ when they're younger tend to experiment with drugs when they grow up.
LA Weekly says Los Angeles is most likely the smartest state in the United States, simply because it is the cannabis dispensary central. Epidemiology and Community Health reports "by the age of 30, around one in three men (35.4%) and one in six women (15.9%) had used cannabis drug, while 8.6% of men and 3.6% of women had used cocaine, in the previous 12 months."
In, a study from the National Child Development says "British children who are more intelligent before the age of 16 are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs at age 42 than less intelligent children."
And now for a combination of science and case study, let's look at the study and intelligence of Sigmund Freud. He wrote a paper titled "Über Coca", published in 1884, detailing how he was when under the influence of cocaine. It's also said that he used cocaine when he penned some of his most significant pieces of work such as psychoanalysis and the Oedipus complex.
There's also a host of famous brilliant successful people that, it's said, to have taken a puff or more of marijuana, including the likes of Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Jay Z, Matt Damon, Martha Stewart, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. So as you can see, the evidence has proven, smarter people are more likely to smoke pot. Sounds like an intelligent recreational activity to pursue doesn't it?
Marijuana, cannabis, weed, pot, whatever you call it, clearly has some excitement inducing, brain stimulating and medical features; some would say marijuana is for the open minded people among us.
Additionally, people also use medical marijuana for migraines, marijuana cancer treatment, marijuana multiple sclerosis and a host of other illness. Cannabis isn't only for the smart but it also treats the sick. So whether you're looking to increase your IQ or treat an ailment, marijuana might just be smart enough to do the trick.
Pot Valet
The number #1 medical marijuana delivery service dedicated to providing safe medical marijuana and Buy Marijuana Online at to... (show bio)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Marijuana Advances of the 21st Century

By Constantine Pou

In 2012 six-year-old Jayden David, who suffers from Dravet's Syndrome, was given liquefied cannabis drops and for the first time since he was four months old, went an entire day without a seizure. At one point, Jayden was prescribed 22 anti-seizure pills a day, and while they controlled the seizures, the pills left him immobilized due to the side effects. But a non-psychoactive form of marijuana that does not get him high, has now allowed him to run and play like other kids. Jayden and millions of people around the world, who suffer from a variety of ailments, benefit from the medicinal qualities of high cannabinoid or high CBD marijuana strains. Cannabinoids are the main chemicals in marijuana. In recent years, various research and experiments have resulted in production of high CBD marijuana strains and in a large percent of these strains, THC is non-existent. But it doesn't take research to know that inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs is bad for your health. Because of this, new ways to administer medical marijuana are being invented so the patient no longer has to smoke to medicate. Cannabinoids can be so beneficial; the human brain has two built-in cannabinoid receptors, which regulate certain body functions. These are just some of the advances in the research and study of high CBD medical marijuana in the 21st century.

Cannabinoids are the main medicinal ingredient in marijuana. While THC is the main psychoactive ingredient, cannabinoids are known to have anti-psychotic properties, which counter the effects of THC. With this in mind, production labs are now growing strains of marijuana that contain a high concentration of CBD's. Some of these strains have CBD concentrations as high as 20%, which allow people living with illness to benefit from medical marijuana without the high associated with THC. Up until recently, a big concern for some, was the fact that in order to use medical marijuana, an individual had to get high as a side effect. That made many question the intentions of a so-called medical marijuana patient. Does he or she really have an ailment or do they just want to get high? With high CBD strains, getting high is no longer a factor while medicating with marijuana. Therefore these strains will make it safe for everyone, from small kids to elderly adults, to medicate without concern of any intoxicating effects. The development of high CBD marijuana should continue to help completely remove the stigma from its medical use.
There was a time when if a patient wanted to use medical marijuana, not only did they have to get high, they had to smoke it. Smoking anything involves inhaling harmful chemicals into your lungs that were released as the medium burned. Today there are numerous ways of administering and self-dosing medical marijuana. They range from vaporizing, cooking, and drinks, to oral sprays and tinctures. Vaporizing involves heating marijuana to a point where it produces a vapor, then inhaling the vapor into the lungs. For smokers, vaporizing is the non-smoked method most often recommended as an alternative to smoking because vaporization releases about 5 compounds, whereas smoking marijuana releases about 111 different compounds. Cooking with medical marijuana involves heating marijuana and butter. The butter traps the chemicals and is then used in any dish of the patient's choice. Various drinks can also be made with the butter or some can be bought already made. Tonics and tinctures are made when marijuana is soaked in an alcohol solution, transferring the cannabinoids to the liquid. The tincture can then be rubbed on skin, taken by drops or sprayed into the mouth and put into foods and drink recipes as well. Medical marijuana also comes in the forms of ready-made candy and various other sweets, all of the high CBD form. Still, as with any type of medication, the attractively packaged items should be kept out of reach of children.
Cannabinoids in medical marijuana have the same effect as the cannabinoids that already occur in every person. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids similar to those of marijuana on its own. Researchers at Brown University have shown that the brain produces anandamide, which is a pain suppressing cannabinoid. This naturally produced chemical affects the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors of the human nervous and immune systems respectively. These cannabinoids regulate physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory. They also regulate sleep patterns and act as natural inflammatory agents. CBD's from medicinal marijuana have been recognized for their ability to act as antioxidants in the brain. German researchers have found that cannabinoids are capable of not only cleansing damaged brain cells, but also triggering the production of new brain cells. This has led to high CBD marijuana being researched as a treatment for concussions in professional athletes. With the added CBD's from medicinal marijuana, patients can be treated for a variety of other ailments and conditions. The marijuana could be prescribed for anything from simple appetite loss to pain caused multiple sclerosis; because a lot of times, the ones produced by the body are not enough.
Since the days of Reefer Madness, the study and research along with negative views of marijuana have come a long way. Science is giving us a clearer understanding of what is in it and how we can utilize those ingredients to benefit and treat ailments of the afflicted. As I've shown you, medical marijuana no longer has to be smoked. More importantly, high CBD marijuana will not get a patient high, at all. The fact that the human body makes and uses its own cannabinoids anyway, should be an eye opener to the medical field. Marijuana as a medicine is as or more effective than almost any prescribed drug on earth and research is proving that it is so much safer. With the high from THC being negated in high CBD marijuana, and new ways of medicating without smoking; there is no longer a reason for selfish organizations to keep something with the potential to be so beneficial, from those who would clearly benefit from it.

Article Source:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Why ventilation is very important when growing marijuana indoor?

Something extremely important to take into consideration when growing marijuana indoors is, looking for some artificial lights that will serve as best replica of the sun, ventilation and good air flow in the room. Marijuana plants just like humans and other types of plants on earth need air to survive. Without it, there's only one outcome and it's death. In an enclosed environment like the ones in indoor growing arrangements, ventilation is all the more important to make certain that plants will thrive healthily.

The importance of ventilation
The significance of ventilation can never be underestimated in an indoor growing set-up with all the artificial lights going on producing too much heat and the fact that the arrangement is too enclosed. By way of cooling fans and incoming air vents and or exhaust fans can mean so much for the plants because of the following reasons:
  • Good ventilation makes plants release their own toxins efficiently out from spores found in their leaves. If there’s absence of it, these stomata become clogged and there is no way for them to get rid of their toxic wastes, thereby, poisoning their own selves.
  • Cooling fans or some of its kinds help in keeping the humidity level inside the room to a minimum, therefore, downplaying the chances of mold growth and other possible pests’ infestations.
  • Who can ever forget the importance of Carbon dioxide in the process called photosynthesis which is a chemical process carried out by plants in order to make their own food necessary for their growth?
  • Ventilation also helps stabilize the temperature within the room as heat from the outside coupled with heat produced by the artificial sources of light can increasingly heightened the temperature inside the room to a considerable fold.
How is proper ventilation achieved in an indoor growing set-up?
Because there are various locations indoors that can very well be used in growing marijuana plants like a spare room, basement, attic, and even closets and shelves, the methods of providing ventilation also vary. When growing in a quite large room or attic, some cooling fans of regular sizes can come in handy. The number of fans will largely depend on your estimation, taking into account the size of the grows and the size of the room, and making sure that each plant receives proper ventilation. When growing inside a closet, just by opening its doors twice in a day can produce enough movement air inside.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Marijuana Business

The Medical marijuana business got its beginning in 1996 when California became the first state to pass laws regarding the use of marijuana medically called Proposition 215, or the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. It allowed patients with a valid doctor's recommendation to be able to use marijuana therapeutically in treatment of their medical conditions. However it didn't state where or how the patients were to get marijuana. As additional states also passed their own laws allowing patients to use marijuana on a doctor's recommendation, the same thing happened. It was OK to use, but no provisions were made in how to obtain it.


This was the beginning of the whole medical marijuana business industry. Patients were now being allowed to use marijuana but had nowhere to turn to except to the black market to procure it. Years ago, the prospect of building a medical marijuana business legally was impossible. Laws had prohibited the use and cultivation, but times have definitely changed! Patients with doctor's recommendations for marijuana demanded a safe, controlled, and regulated system to be able to obtain their medicine. Also, since the law was catered to extremely ill patients, most who are unable to grow their own or able to leave the house to obtain it, there had to be a centralized system to get it.

The solution to the problem was "Dispensaries," a place where caregivers or patients able to themselves could go to get it. However there were no laws in place either to support or regulate dispensaries. In fact, even the word "dispensary" is not recognized by most states. It's just what you and I call these places that distribute marijuana for medical patients.


Recognizing this new problem that was overlooked, states now had to pass laws governing the distribution and acquisition of marijuana for medical purposes. In 1996, when California voters approved prop 215 that exempted certain patients and their primary caregivers from criminal liability under state law for the possession and cultivation of Marijuana, further refining was needed. Patients will be expecting you and your dispensary employees to be experts on medical marijuana. Many will come in brand new with doctors recommendations and have no idea about best methods of ingestion or even that there are different medical strains available that can help with their conditions. You need to be an expert on strains and the medical effects they have.

My personal recommendation for your a medical marijuana business is to carry 60% of your inventory as Indica strains (these are most widely requested for pain relief.) I would then split the rest as 20% Sativas and 20% Hybrids. Carry good edibles (don't forget to have a food handlers license!)

Popular Indica strains include: OG Kush, Blackberry, Chemdawg, Abusive Kush, (Anything Kush will be great)

Popular Sativa strains include: Jack Herer, White Widow, Super Silver Haze, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel, Green Crack Popular

Hybrid strains include: Grandaddy Purple, Skywalker OG, Purple Kush, Blue Dream

About the Aurthor: Matty Jacobsen 
Matt Jacobsen has been a dispensary owner for the past decade. It is his goal that everyone seeking to open a legal marijuana business is able to. Matt also writes for 

The Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana is the common name for the drug obtained from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Hemp is a tall annual plant that can grow in almost any climate. Native to central and western Asia, hemp is one of the oldest crops cultivated by humans. Hemp's most common agricultural use has been as a source of linen, rope, canvas, and paper. Hemp contains more than 400 chemicals. The main psychoactive (affecting the mind or behavior) chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly referred to as THC. For over 3,000 years, the dried ground leaves, flowers, and stems of the plant have been smoked, eaten, chewed, or brewed as a medicine to relieve symptoms of illness. From the seventeenth to the early twentieth century, marijuana was considered a household drug useful for treating such maladies as headaches, menstrual cramps, and toothaches.
In the 1920s, as a result of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbidding the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, the use of marijuana as a psychoactive drug began to grow. Even after the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, marijuana (along with morphine, heroin, and cocaine) continued to be widely used. In 1937, 46 states banned the use of marijuana. In 1985, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave approval for the use of two psychoactive chemicals from marijuana to prevent nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy in cancer treatment. Medical researchers also propose using marijuana to ease the effects of glaucoma (a serious vision disorder), as a bronchodilator (a drug that helps open the bronchial air passages in the lungs), and as an antidepressant. The origin of the word marijuana is not known, but it appears to be a combination of the Spanish names Maria and Juana (Mary and Jane). The drug slang for marijuana includes such names as Mary Jane, pot, grass, herb, tea, reefer, and weed. Hashish is the highest grade of marijuana. It is made from the resin found on flower clusters and top leaves of the female hemp plant.
The effects of marijuana on a user change dramatically as the dosage increases. Taken at low doses, marijuana tends to make a user drowsy and relaxed. The user may also feel a general sense of well-being. As the dose increases, a user may experience an altered sense of time and awareness, and may have difficulty completing thoughts and taking part in conversation. A user's sense of balance and short-term memory (remembering very recent events or from one moment to the next) may also be affected. At higher doses, severe psychological disturbances can take place, such as paranoia, hallucinations, and panic attacks. Marijuana affects the cardiovascular system by increasing heart rate and dilating (expanding) blood vessels in the eyes. Difficulty in coordinating body movements and pains in the chest may be other effects of the drug. Scientists believe that long-term use of marijuana damages the lungs in a manner similar to tobacco smoking.
Scientific studies released in mid-1997 indicate that people who smoke large amounts of marijuana may experience changes in their brain chemistry. These changes are similar to those seen in the brains of people who abuse addictive drugs such as heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol. All addictive drugs increase the amount of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a brain chemical responsible for causing feelings of reward. The new studies found (for the first time) that high doses of marijuana increased the levels of dopamine in the brain. Constant use of addictive drugs, however, can cause the brain to lose its ability to produce high levels of dopamine. When this happens, a drug user feels a greater need for the drug, or for even stronger drugs. Scientists believe this may occur with marijuana.
Users of addictive drugs feel withdrawal symptoms (feeling anxious, edgy, and unable to cope) when they stop taking the drugs. It was previously believed that marijuana users did not suffer feelings of withdrawal. However, the recent studies indicate that heavy users of marijuana smoke not so much for the "high" but to calm their feelings of anxiety brought on by withdrawal from the drug. Since THC is absorbed primarily in the fat tissues and lingers in the bloodstream, withdrawal symptoms are not as evident as with fast-acting drugs like nicotine.
In 1985, the FDA gave approval for the use of two psychoactive chemicals from marijuana to help prevent the nausea and vomiting many cancer patients experience after receiving chemotherapy. For these patients, THC can be prescribed in capsule form. Research suggests that compounds (other than THC) inhaled when smoking marijuana can also be used for medicinal purposes. Marijuana may help stop the weight loss in AIDS patients, it may lower eye pressure in people with glaucoma, it may control spasms in multiple sclerosis patients, and it may help relieve chronic pain
About the Author: Dr.Badruddin Khan 
Dr. Badruddin Khan teaches Chemistry in the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
Official Source: The Effects of Marijuana

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Really Marijuana Cures Cancer? Reveal the Truth

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It is now widely believed that marijuana cures cancer, but is it really true?
Cannabis oil is the extract of the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana. It contains substances such as the CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that are believed to cure a long list of illness, including cancer. Though marijuana has been used by humans for thousands of years now, it is only recently that marijuana is attributed as a medicinal plant.
THC the major active component of marijuana is believed to have anti-cancer properties. It acts through a specific family of cell receptors that are known as cannabinoids receptors.
There are various preclinical studies ongoing on mice and rats, as well as human cells to show the effectiveness of medical marijuana. It has been researched that cannabinoids may restrict tumor growth by causing the cells to die, and also block the growing cell growth. It also helps to block the development of blood vessels that are needed for tumors to grow. The studies on animals have shown that marijuana kills cancer while protecting normal cells.
Positive signs have also been witnessed in studies regarding breast cancer. It has been studied that the cannabidiol (CBD) helps to kill negative breast cancer cells while having a little effect on normal breast cells. It has been studied in mouse models that cannabinoids may also help to stop the growth of the tumor, lessen the growth, and also the number of cancer cells from spreading.
Evidence from one animal study of marijuana demonstrated that extracts from the marijuana plant may also help to shrink the most serious types of tumors. Also, when these extracts are used in conjunction with radiation therapy, it helps to increase the power of the radiation to subside the effects of cancer cells.
There have been many changes in the last decade regarding the usability of marijuana plant for medicinal benefits. There has also been several amendments and now the law allow the cannabis oil to be distributed on a state-to-state basis without violating any federal statutes.
Even with so many scientific studies, there is still a lot of confusion across the medical panel regarding the effectiveness of marijuana to kill cancer cells. It must be remembered that there are no proven records of the effectiveness of marijuana to cure cancer in humans, however, the ongoing studies are displaying a notable promise.
The results of the animal studies are showing positive results and it could provide a breakthrough in cancer treatment and in saving more lives.

About the Author 
Jessica Theriault Capsule Coop in California provides tested medical marijuana and cannabis oil that people have used to cure cancer and other... 

10 Best Secret Weed Stashes

The title says weed but in reality, you can hide more then just weed in these secret stashes. It can be useful for hidding jewelry, money, important papers and the list goes on. It's always fun to know your valuables are in a safe spot. Here is a short list of cool stashes.

10. Hair Brush

9. WD-40

8. Travel Mug



5. Rubiks

4. Wall Shelf 

3. Wall Outlet

2. Household Surge

1. Camera Lens

10 Best Secret Weed Stashes

The title says weed but in reality, you can hide more then just weed in these secret stashes. It can be useful for hidding jewelry, money, important papers and the list goes on. It's always fun to know your valuables are in a safe spot. Here is a short list of cool stashes.

10. Hair Brush

9. WD-40

8. Travel Mug



5. Rubiks

4. Wall Shelf 

3. Wall Outlet

2. Household Surge

1. Camera Lens

Dumbest & Stupidest Thief: Trades $160,000 Diamond for $20 of Marijuana

(Image source:
This has to be one of the dumbest robber of all time! If not, we can definitely say he isn't the smartest. Walter Earl Morrison was working for UPS in the cargo section of Sky Harbor Airport when he took advantage of his position to slip one of the package under his shirt. Morrison thought the package contained cash, but instead he found a diamond. This diamond was worth $160,000! Not having any experience in the jewelry fencing industry, Morrison took the diamond to the streets where he found someone willing to trade the stone for $20 worth of marijuana which according to a global marijuana price index is the rough equivalent of two marijuana joints. Authorities charged Morrison with felony theft. The diamond was retrieved and returned to its rightful owner, according to the courier service. What a stupid thief!

For more clumsy and unsuccessful robbers watch the video below.

Dumbest & Stupidest Thief: Trades $160,000 Diamond for $20 of Marijuana

(Image source:
This has to be one of the dumbest robber of all time! If not, we can definitely say he isn't the smartest. Walter Earl Morrison was working for UPS in the cargo section of Sky Harbor Airport when he took advantage of his position to slip one of the package under his shirt. Morrison thought the package contained cash, but instead he found a diamond. This diamond was worth $160,000! Not having any experience in the jewelry fencing industry, Morrison took the diamond to the streets where he found someone willing to trade the stone for $20 worth of marijuana which according to a global marijuana price index is the rough equivalent of two marijuana joints. Authorities charged Morrison with felony theft. The diamond was retrieved and returned to its rightful owner, according to the courier service. What a stupid thief!

For more clumsy and unsuccessful robbers watch the video below.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Indonesian police burns 3 tons of cannabis: the whole town ends up high.

The Palmerah police, a sub-district of Jakarta, wanted to mark the occasion. And the least we can say is that it succeeded. Following the destruction (in a big bonfire) of more than three tons of cannabis resin, the entire city was left smoky. The people said they had dizziness, headaches and not in their normal state when the smoke invaded their street. The security forces wore masks but apparently did not see fit to inform the vicinity of the operation. A story that reminds that poor journalist who had to comment on the destruction of marijuana resine. All this smoke got quickly to his head.

Indonesian police burns 3 tons of cannabis: the whole town ends up high.

The Palmerah police, a sub-district of Jakarta, wanted to mark the occasion. And the least we can say is that it succeeded. Following the destruction (in a big bonfire) of more than three tons of cannabis resin, the entire city was left smoky. The people said they had dizziness, headaches and not in their normal state when the smoke invaded their street. The security forces wore masks but apparently did not see fit to inform the vicinity of the operation. A story that reminds that poor journalist who had to comment on the destruction of marijuana resine. All this smoke got quickly to his head.

The 10 Most Brilliant Marijuana Smokers Of All Time

Marijuana smokers are often seen as lazy and incompetent. Truth is, everyone is different and marijuana will affect everyone in a different way. Here is a list of the 10 most brilliant marijuana smokers of all time.

Something to think about before you judge someone who is smoking weed.
Steve Jobs – It’s verified, the Apple co-founder smoked marijuana and took LSD in his 1st semester at the Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972. Since he dropped out of school, he was already on his way to becoming one of the most successful and richest man in the united states. In 1984, he received the National Medal of Technology. In 2007, Fortune Magazine named him the most powerful person in business. He was inducted into the California Hall of Fame. Fortune named him CEO of the Decade in 2009. Forbes ranked him #57 on their list of the World’s Most Powerful People that same year. The Financial Times named Steven Jobs for person of the year for 2010. Steve Jobs left us in 2011. 
“The best way to describe the effects of marijuana and hashish is that makes me feel relaxed and creative,” Steve Jobs
Carl Sagan – It’s hard to dispute for pot slowing you down when looking at the record of Carl Sagan. Supposedly, a confirmed and admitted marijuana smoker, among his many accomplishements are a Pulitzer Prize, an Emmy, a best-selling novel, as well as over 500 science papers and articles. He was a founding member of the Planetary Society, and he won a pipe load of scientific awards. He is said to have believed in the validity of cannabis smokers insights. 
Kary Mullis – Another Nobel Prize winner, another marijuana smoker. Mullis did try heavier drugs than just pot. He's the one who invented the polymerase chain reaction. It allows duplication of parts of DNA. He says acid helped him to develop it, perhaps along with marijuana, which he supposedly smoked right before his first trip. While most of us have trouble figuring out how a chair works when we’re high, this guy was working out how to mimic nature.
Francis Crick – Winner of a Nobel Prize for figuring out the double-helix structure of DNA. Rumor has it that he was taking acid at the time. Crick was not the first to see twin twisted monsters coming at him during an acid plunge, but he was the first to recognize as an important scientific discovery. As a founding member of Soma, a legalize cannabis group, he also experimented pot, which he believed helped to remove the filters of abstract thought.
Margaret Mead – When she died in 1978, Mead was possibly the most famous Anthropologist on earth. Time had named her Mother of the World in 1969. She authored or co-authored around 40 books, received 28 honorary doctorates, and was President of both the American Anthropological Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Most famously, she testified before Congress on the legalization of marijuana. She testified on lots of stuff, but it’s this one everyone remembers.
Andrew Weil – Weil has medical and biology degrees from Harvard, is a naturopath, as well as a widely acknowledged expert on medicinal herbs, alternative medicines, and mind and body interactions. He was on the cover of Time, has written a bunch of books, and used to write for High Times. He talks about the advantages of thinking under the influence of marijuana, as well as an innate need to alter consciousness.
Oliver Sacks – If you’ve seen the movie “Awakenings” with Robin Williams, you probably know something of Oliver Sacks’ work. He’s a neurologist, the film based on his book of the same name. He also wrote The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Sacks is an Oxford graduate and professor of neurology at Columbia Medical Center. He’s been referred to as the poet laureate of medicine, and received several awards and honorary doctorates in the field of neurological science. Not bad for a man who’s admitted to using marijuana on a more that recreational level, seeing it as a potential gateway to other minds and other consciousnesses.
Richard Feynman – Physicist who helped design the atomic bomb. Well, nobody said anyone on this list was brilliant, just smarter than average. Feynman used marijuana to enhance his out of body experiences while in a sensory deprivation tank. When he came out, he won a Nobel Prize for his theory of quantum electrodynamics.
Sergey Brin – He has a BS from the University of Maryland, a MS from Stanford and took PhD courses at Stanford before putting that on hiatus to co-found Google with Larry Page. His dad’s a math professor at the University of Maryland. His mom’s a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His wife, Ann Wojcicki, is a biotech analyst who graduated with a B.S. in biology from Yale in 1996. She and Brin are working with leading researchers to help doctors, patients, and researchers analyze the human genome data and try to repair “bugs” as if DNA were HTML. He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, which is “among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer” and received the Marconi Foundation Prize, the “Highest Award in Engineering”. Like Jobs (see above), he’s among the wealthiest in the world.
Stephen Jay Gould -Paleontologist, biologist, science historian. Most known scientific contribution was the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which says that most evolution is marked by long periods of stability. Kind of like most of us after a good bong hit. One of the most influential and best read writers of popular science, Gould became an advocate for medical marijuana following his diagnosis with cancer. He claimed it had an “important effect” on his recovery. He also testified in court to the benefits of marijuana, and is quoted as saying “it is beyond my comprehension that any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simple because others use it for different purposes.”

The 10 Most Brilliant Marijuana Smokers Of All Time

Marijuana smokers are often seen as lazy and incompetent. Truth is, everyone is different and marijuana will affect everyone in a different way. Here is a list of the 10 most brilliant marijuana smokers of all time.

Something to think about before you judge someone who is smoking weed.
Steve Jobs – It’s verified, the Apple co-founder smoked marijuana and took LSD in his 1st semester at the Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972. Since he dropped out of school, he was already on his way to becoming one of the most successful and richest man in the united states. In 1984, he received the National Medal of Technology. In 2007, Fortune Magazine named him the most powerful person in business. He was inducted into the California Hall of Fame. Fortune named him CEO of the Decade in 2009. Forbes ranked him #57 on their list of the World’s Most Powerful People that same year. The Financial Times named Steven Jobs for person of the year for 2010. Steve Jobs left us in 2011. 
“The best way to describe the effects of marijuana and hashish is that makes me feel relaxed and creative,” Steve Jobs
Carl Sagan – It’s hard to dispute for pot slowing you down when looking at the record of Carl Sagan. Supposedly, a confirmed and admitted marijuana smoker, among his many accomplishements are a Pulitzer Prize, an Emmy, a best-selling novel, as well as over 500 science papers and articles. He was a founding member of the Planetary Society, and he won a pipe load of scientific awards. He is said to have believed in the validity of cannabis smokers insights. 
Kary Mullis – Another Nobel Prize winner, another marijuana smoker. Mullis did try heavier drugs than just pot. He's the one who invented the polymerase chain reaction. It allows duplication of parts of DNA. He says acid helped him to develop it, perhaps along with marijuana, which he supposedly smoked right before his first trip. While most of us have trouble figuring out how a chair works when we’re high, this guy was working out how to mimic nature.
Francis Crick – Winner of a Nobel Prize for figuring out the double-helix structure of DNA. Rumor has it that he was taking acid at the time. Crick was not the first to see twin twisted monsters coming at him during an acid plunge, but he was the first to recognize as an important scientific discovery. As a founding member of Soma, a legalize cannabis group, he also experimented pot, which he believed helped to remove the filters of abstract thought.
Margaret Mead – When she died in 1978, Mead was possibly the most famous Anthropologist on earth. Time had named her Mother of the World in 1969. She authored or co-authored around 40 books, received 28 honorary doctorates, and was President of both the American Anthropological Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Most famously, she testified before Congress on the legalization of marijuana. She testified on lots of stuff, but it’s this one everyone remembers.
Andrew Weil – Weil has medical and biology degrees from Harvard, is a naturopath, as well as a widely acknowledged expert on medicinal herbs, alternative medicines, and mind and body interactions. He was on the cover of Time, has written a bunch of books, and used to write for High Times. He talks about the advantages of thinking under the influence of marijuana, as well as an innate need to alter consciousness.
Oliver Sacks – If you’ve seen the movie “Awakenings” with Robin Williams, you probably know something of Oliver Sacks’ work. He’s a neurologist, the film based on his book of the same name. He also wrote The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Sacks is an Oxford graduate and professor of neurology at Columbia Medical Center. He’s been referred to as the poet laureate of medicine, and received several awards and honorary doctorates in the field of neurological science. Not bad for a man who’s admitted to using marijuana on a more that recreational level, seeing it as a potential gateway to other minds and other consciousnesses.
Richard Feynman – Physicist who helped design the atomic bomb. Well, nobody said anyone on this list was brilliant, just smarter than average. Feynman used marijuana to enhance his out of body experiences while in a sensory deprivation tank. When he came out, he won a Nobel Prize for his theory of quantum electrodynamics.
Sergey Brin – He has a BS from the University of Maryland, a MS from Stanford and took PhD courses at Stanford before putting that on hiatus to co-found Google with Larry Page. His dad’s a math professor at the University of Maryland. His mom’s a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His wife, Ann Wojcicki, is a biotech analyst who graduated with a B.S. in biology from Yale in 1996. She and Brin are working with leading researchers to help doctors, patients, and researchers analyze the human genome data and try to repair “bugs” as if DNA were HTML. He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, which is “among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer” and received the Marconi Foundation Prize, the “Highest Award in Engineering”. Like Jobs (see above), he’s among the wealthiest in the world.
Stephen Jay Gould -Paleontologist, biologist, science historian. Most known scientific contribution was the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which says that most evolution is marked by long periods of stability. Kind of like most of us after a good bong hit. One of the most influential and best read writers of popular science, Gould became an advocate for medical marijuana following his diagnosis with cancer. He claimed it had an “important effect” on his recovery. He also testified in court to the benefits of marijuana, and is quoted as saying “it is beyond my comprehension that any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simple because others use it for different purposes.”

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Medical Marijuana — The Herb That Heals

Marijuana has always been a topic of dispute between its users and government. With time passing by, it is becoming more challenging to refuse the beneficial medicinal value of this plant. This easy to swallow medicine is available in different forms like baked goods, butter, oils, and other natural forms. Just like any other natural herb, there’s nothing like ‘overdosing’ in the dictionary of medical marijuana, and there is no record in medical history of cannabis-induced death so far. It has been used effectively by human civilizations since ancient times for healing and pain management of debilitating diseases.
Nature has the power to heal holds true for this herb. Let’s have a look at various benefits of marijuana.
· Medical marijuana has proven effective in the treatment of migraine.
· It considerably slows down tumor growth in lungs, breasts, and brain. THC present in marijuana helps cancerous cells to feed upon themselves while leaving healthy cells intact. This treatment is completely non-toxic unlike chemotherapy.
· Medical marijuana can aid in the treatment of chronic diseases like irritable bowel disease and Crohn’s, as it is useful in treating nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which in turn improvises patient’s reception of treatment.
· THC found in medical marijuana effectively prevents the formation of deposits by blocking the protein clumps in brain that can inhibit memory and perception during Alzheimer’s disease.
· It reduces the intraocular pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients.
· Marijuana has ‘antispasmodic’ properties. It reduces symptoms of muscle tension or pain enabling patients to move normally.
· Medical marijuana shows neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory benefits in multiple sclerosis patients. It also reduces muscular spasms that come from MS.
· Medical marijuana usage accelerates body's metabolism and increases appetite, thereby, encouraging the patient to eat to supply energy to the body, fight infection, and help recovery process.
· Apart from increasing appetite in HIV patients, it is also effective in soothing the associated neuropathic pain thereby improving the quality of life.
· Many women use marijuana to treat menstrual cramps, and menopausal women have found great relief by using marijuana while struggling with hot flashes, mood swings, and chills.
Marijuana research has confirmed a notable therapeutic value, if administered in appropriate dosages, for curing many health problems like treating alcohol abuse, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bipolar disorder, colorectal cancer, depression, epilepsy, back pain, damage to spinal cord nervous tissue, diabetic peripheral vascular disease, AIDS Related Illness, arteriosclerotic heart disease, digestive diseases, gliomas, hepatitis C, Huntington's disease, leukemia, skin tumors, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), carpal tunnel syndrome, delirium tremens, anxiety disorders, chronic renal failure, cocaine Dependence, Parkinson's disease, pruritus, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), crohn's Disease, psoriasis, sickle-cell disease, angina pectoris, sleep apnea, anorexia nervosa, and Tourette syndrome. If the true potential of medical marijuana can be harnessed, it can dramatically change the face of modern treatment.
Big Buds Magazine is your one stop Marijuana Magazine for growing marijuana . Learn everything you ever wanted to know regarding growing medical marijuana its benefits and marijuana legalization.

Medical Marijuana — The Herb That Heals

Marijuana has always been a topic of dispute between its users and government. With time passing by, it is becoming more challenging to refuse the beneficial medicinal value of this plant. This easy to swallow medicine is available in different forms like baked goods, butter, oils, and other natural forms. Just like any other natural herb, there’s nothing like ‘overdosing’ in the dictionary of medical marijuana, and there is no record in medical history of cannabis-induced death so far. It has been used effectively by human civilizations since ancient times for healing and pain management of debilitating diseases.
Nature has the power to heal holds true for this herb. Let’s have a look at various benefits of marijuana.
· Medical marijuana has proven effective in the treatment of migraine.
· It considerably slows down tumor growth in lungs, breasts, and brain. THC present in marijuana helps cancerous cells to feed upon themselves while leaving healthy cells intact. This treatment is completely non-toxic unlike chemotherapy.
· Medical marijuana can aid in the treatment of chronic diseases like irritable bowel disease and Crohn’s, as it is useful in treating nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which in turn improvises patient’s reception of treatment.
· THC found in medical marijuana effectively prevents the formation of deposits by blocking the protein clumps in brain that can inhibit memory and perception during Alzheimer’s disease.
· It reduces the intraocular pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients.
· Marijuana has ‘antispasmodic’ properties. It reduces symptoms of muscle tension or pain enabling patients to move normally.
· Medical marijuana shows neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory benefits in multiple sclerosis patients. It also reduces muscular spasms that come from MS.
· Medical marijuana usage accelerates body's metabolism and increases appetite, thereby, encouraging the patient to eat to supply energy to the body, fight infection, and help recovery process.
· Apart from increasing appetite in HIV patients, it is also effective in soothing the associated neuropathic pain thereby improving the quality of life.
· Many women use marijuana to treat menstrual cramps, and menopausal women have found great relief by using marijuana while struggling with hot flashes, mood swings, and chills.
Marijuana research has confirmed a notable therapeutic value, if administered in appropriate dosages, for curing many health problems like treating alcohol abuse, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, collagen-induced arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bipolar disorder, colorectal cancer, depression, epilepsy, back pain, damage to spinal cord nervous tissue, diabetic peripheral vascular disease, AIDS Related Illness, arteriosclerotic heart disease, digestive diseases, gliomas, hepatitis C, Huntington's disease, leukemia, skin tumors, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), carpal tunnel syndrome, delirium tremens, anxiety disorders, chronic renal failure, cocaine Dependence, Parkinson's disease, pruritus, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), crohn's Disease, psoriasis, sickle-cell disease, angina pectoris, sleep apnea, anorexia nervosa, and Tourette syndrome. If the true potential of medical marijuana can be harnessed, it can dramatically change the face of modern treatment.
Big Buds Magazine is your one stop Marijuana Magazine for growing marijuana . Learn everything you ever wanted to know regarding growing medical marijuana its benefits and marijuana legalization.